Get Header Trailer Error

Get Header Trailer Error

This error exists when connecting an S80 to an S300 or SP30s

On the S80 press Menu > Poslink > Get Header Trailer

If you get an error this means the terminals are not communicating to each other.

Header/Trailer Error or Communication Error:

  1. The S80 and the SP30s/S300 are not communicating. First attempt to reboot the terminals. Power them both off, turn on the S300 or SP30 first. Then power on the S80. If there are no errors complete a test transaction to confirm it is connected properly.
  2. If you still receive an error Refer back to the steps for Dial, LAN Option 1, or LAN Option 2 if using a PINPAD Cable. 
    1. If they are connected by LAN Option 1 check the IP Address on both devices to make sure they are correct. (See steps in the document above)


  1. Disable signature request and tip request in the S80 if you have issues sending transactions from the S80 to the S300/SP30s
    1. Menu > poslink setting > Poslink features> tip request > sign request.
  2. When you power cycle the 2 terminals turn on the pinpad first then turn on the s80

Batch Report

  1. There is only 1 Batch report type when using PAXPOS Application. The report shows the totals for each card type. When using an s80/s500 you do not get the different batch report options. The s300 batches from the Host Settings but you do not get a report.

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