Rapid Connect

Rapid Connect

First Data Rapid Connect Information

Rapid Connect Connection:

Rapid connect does not support Dial Connection.

Datawire TID:

If the Datawire TID needs to be reset, you would want to perform a Clear Registry on the terminal. Please note the clear register will clear any pre-existing DataWire ID (DID). It must be in reset mode on the DataWire support side.  Also note, the newer application will override any DataWire ID, which is why when you update to new versions, you may need to reset the DataWire.
  1. From the terminal menu go to Host Settings>Host Register>Clear Regist.

 Equipment Code: 

When requesting a Rapid Connect VAR make sure you request it with the correct Equipment Code.

  1. Equipment Code – AA115R – Description – PAXBROADPOSPAY1.0SMSDWRC – Product Id: 500550, Vendor ID/Manufacturer: PAX Broad for Nashville – setup for Single settlement and setup for Retail, MOTO, and Restaurant.
  1. Equipment Code – AA115R – Description – PAXBROADPOSPAY1.0SMSDWRC for Buypass.
  1. Equipment Code – AA115R – Description – PAXBROADPOSPAY1.0SMSDWRC for Cardnet. Cardnet will still settle multiple times during the day. At this moment there is no solution to address this.

Please be aware the PAXBROADPOSPAYv1.0 RC DW equipment code on Nashville will cause the terminal to settle multiple times per day. 

This will have to be corrected by requesting FiServ update the equipment code on their side and issue a new TID for the terminal.  The terminal can then be updated with the new TID and registered on DataWire to correct the issue.

Development Tips (Group & TPP ID's):

1) The RapidConnect® Group ID is a 5-digit number assigned at the time of boarding to indicate which front-end a merchant is processing on. The Group ID can be found on the Configuration (VAR) Sheet that is emailed to the merchant. Or, for easy reference, the currently assigned Rapid Connect Group IDs are:

Nashville FE- 10001

Buypass FE- 20001

Cardnet FE – 30001

Omaha FE – 40001

Compass FE 50001

2)   EMV must be enabled in Merchant Detail Overflow.


3) Terminal ID (TID) should be an 8-digit field (pad with leading zeros, if it’s less than 8 digits)


4)  Set Datawire – SRS: Self Registration

5) TPP IDs will auto-populate.  Always use the default values when building a new file.  If updating the application, please check a recent new file build for the correct TPP IDs and use those values. As of 4/2/2020, recently updated applications will use the TPP ID RPA097.  Please confirm this value, as there are some applications that still use RPA094.

6) In BroadPOS Marketplace in PAXSTORE, use the highest available version.  To make sure the assigned application is the newest, click the green drop-down arrow next to the version number to see the list of available versions.  The default value may not be the most recent.

The naming convention from BroadPOS for traditional terminals is still FDRCNV.  For Android terminals the application name includes “BroadPOS Rapid Connect.”

7) If you are switching to Rapid Connect a new MID is not required. When switching you can continue using the same MID but will need to request new TIDs that are RapidConnect® enabled.

 8) Rapid Connect Support: 1-800-555-9966. If the merchant has a production issue, call for support. 

  1. Tell the rep they are a merchant using RapidConnect®.
  2. Request that a ticket be opened to RISCFES.
  3. If you have access to Service Desk, you can open an IR to USA.MRCH.APP.RISCFES. They may ask for you to have the location run additional transactions so they can run traces.

Other Parameter settings:

Most of the terminals are built on RapidConnect® with Nashville as the front end, but it supports Cardnet, BuyPass, Omaha and Compass as well.

For BuyPass, you will need to request a RapidConnect® connection, but the Buypass Dealer ID can be converted to RapidConnect parameters.  The Buypass Dealer ID consists of the following:

  1.  a 2-character terminal type code
  1.  a 2-digit state code
  1.  a 6-digit Merchant ID
  1.  a 3-digit Terminal ID

For Buypass: In BroadPOS or PAXSTORE we have the Merchant ID, Alt Merchant ID, and the Terminal ID.  The MID and Alt MID are the same 6-digit Merchant ID and the Terminal ID is the same 3-digit TID that are embedded within the Dealer ID. As an example, if the Buypass Dealer ID is VP13007411001, then the Rapid Connect MID/Alt MID = 007411, and the Terminal ID = 001. 

It will usually take the 3-digit TID rather than the full 8 digits normally required.  If you have any errors, then pad out the TID with leading zeros to make 8 digits.  The Group ID is 20001.

Omaha as your Front End: If there is no application for the terminal you wish to use, request a RapidConnect® VAR with Omaha as the front end.  First Data will provide the Merchant ID.  If you are converting from Omaha to RapidConnect:

  1. Use the same MID.
  2. Give the current TID to Rapid Connect for them to set up the service. 
  3. When adding the TID to the file, add leading zeros to make the number 8 digits.
  4. The Omaha Group ID is 40001.

EMV PIN Bypass:

This feature can be changed in the EMV Tab in the File. Set the PIN Bypass to enabled.  The feature can be changed for both Credit and Debit transactions. The default setting is “User Bypass”.  This means the customer can bypass a request for PIN by pressing the Green Button or Tapping Okay on the Android terminals.   PIN Buypass

  1. Disabled – cannot bypass the PIN;
  1. User Bypass – User can press enter to bypass the PIN
  1. Auto Bypass – the terminal will not display the PIN prompt, which means it’ll automatically bypass it

There is also an “Enable EMV Return.”  You must have an agreement with First Data for EMV Return to work properly.  If you do not have this agreement, EMV Return should be disabled.


This allows currency conversion directly.  If the merchant wants to provide this option to customers, they will need to get a VAR with this information.  If the merchant does not wish to use this option, set “Enable DCC” to “Off” and put at least one digit in the MID and Acquirer blocks.
If you are using FirstData’s ValuLink gift card, you do not need a separate VAR sheet or bundled application.  In the Alternative MID, use the ValuLink MID from the RapidConnect form to activate the gift card function.

Register to the Host:

  1. Once the file is built and downloaded, in most cases the terminal will automatically register with the host.  If this doesn’t happen, you can push it from the menu: Host Settings – Host Register – Self Register.  If you encounter a Status Error: Authentication Error or No Ticket, try switching the MID and Alt MID in the file build, download and try the registry again.
  1. Status Error: No Ticket can also mean the TID is already in use by another terminal.

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