Current Report Types

Current Report Types

There are 4 Current Report Types.

All reports display the type of report that was printed, the serial number of the terminal, EDC Type, and the date and time the report was run.
  1. Journal Report:
    1. This is the most detailed report you can run on all the transactions for the day. both the batched transactions and the current transactions in the terminal will be displayed. You can sort the transactions by transaction number or by card type. It is recommended to sort by transaction number.
    2. What's In the Report: Your batches and batch number, sale amount, transaction number, transaction date, transaction time, Entry (Swipe, Chip Manual), account (Last 4 of card number), Auth code (the processors' approval code), reference number.
      1. At the bottom, you will have a break down of the total tips, credit and debit records. There will also be an Overall Total. 
  2. Condensed Report:
    1. The most popular report type. It provides the necessary information for each transaction in the terminal. 
    2. What's In the Report: Transaction number (Trn), card type (Crd), Transaction type (Tp), Tips, Amount, Account.
      1. At the bottom, you will have a break down of the total tips, credit and debit records. There will also be an Overall Total.                                
  3. Short Report:
    1. Provides a quick glance of each sale or transaction type made/batched. 
    2. What's In the Report: The sale and the amount
      1. At the bottom, you will have a break down of the total tips, credit and debit records. There will also be an Overall Total.
  4. Totals Report:
    1. This is exactly what it states. It provides the total number of transactions (Records).  You will have a break down of the total tips, credit and debit records. There will also be an Overall Total. 

Receipt/ Report Abbreviations


Gift Card Abbreviations

For more information about reports and receipts click the links below:

Print a Report
Receipt Paper/Reprint Rceipt/ FAQs

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