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ECO- XML Validation Error/ Transaction Not Allowed
XML validation error/ Transaction not allowed Check the Merchant Category Code (MCC) on the parameters on the TSYS file. Check the TPP ID for Rapid Connect Applications. Please note that the TPP IDs have changed over time. If the ISO is updating an ...
Comm Error/Communication Error
Comm Error This error occurs when trying to connect a Semi-Integrated terminal (SP30s, S300 etc.) to a POS or after processing a transaction. The POS can be the merchant's computer system or a PAX S80. The error will appear on the PAX terminal and it ...
Handshake Error
Handshake Error: This occurs during a Firmware Update The terminal is not connecting to PAXSTORE or the firmware server. If this happens during a Firmware update make sure you are using the correct Port #, IP Address, and TID. Also, verify the port ...
Send Error
Host response. This error appears when batching. Contact the host to determine what is wrong with batch or if there are any bad transactions in the batch. The host will be able to inform you why they can not accept the batch information.
Invalid Track Error
The error message listed above means that the information on the Magnetic Stripe cannot be read by the terminal. The Mag Reader could be dirty, or the card is dirty. You can clean the Mag reader by taking a paper towel and running it though the mag ...