Store-and-Forward Guide

Store-and-Forward Guide

Store & Forward Guide

General Overview:

What is Store & Forward? Store & Forward is a system that allows a merchant to still process transactions even when the terminal is unable to communicate with the Processor. The transactions are stored locally until communication with the Processor is restored. Once communication is restored the transactions will be forwarded to the Processor as normal. (Subject to various options set in the terminal.) Please note that not all Processors support Store & Forward, contact PAX Technical Support to verify availability.

What are the Risks when using Store & Forward? Please be aware that there are risks associated with using Store & Forward those include accepting cards that may not be valid, or processing transactions above the available balance on the card. This can cause those transactions to be rejected by the Processor and will be effectively a loss. There are systems in place to mitigate the risks, but the risks will always exist.

Store & Forward Operations:

Currently Store & Forward is supported on the S80 and S90 Family of PAX terminals. Both are similar in operation, but any differences will be noted. Store & Forward can be configured on the terminal, or on BroadPOS. (Note: Store & Forward is not available in Demo Mode.)

To access the Store & Forward options in your PAX terminal: <Main Menu> <Operation Settings> then scroll to

<Store & Forward>. You will be required to input the system password upon selecting Store & Forward. Option 1: S&F On/Off – Determines whether Store & Forward will be off or on.

Option 2: Mode Select – Determines which Store & Forward mode the terminal will operate under.

  1. Stay Online – This mode will only process transactions while online, effectively disabling Store & Forward.
  2. Stay Offline – In this mode, the terminal will stay offline and process all transactions offline. Note if you are turning this mode on from the terminal, it will ask you if you want a limit per card type. If you select yes, it will cycle through the card types and you can input the maximum amount per card by type in dollars. It will also ask you for a maximum amount total for all offline transactions. Once those limits have been reached the user will be notified on screen.

Note: If you do not input an amount and leave it at the default 0.00, you are setting NO amount limits.

  1. Off Until Batch – This mode functions much like the stay offline except that the terminal will attempt to connect and upload all transactions whenever the batch is closed.
  2. Offline On Demand – This mode will process transactions online. If the terminal loses connection and a transaction is attempted, the terminal will error and give the user the option to cancel the transaction, or process the transaction offline. The terminal will attempt to connect to the Processor every time a transaction is attempted. Once connection is restored all new transactions will be processed online.

Note: When you close the batch, you will be asked if you want to submit offline transactions, always choose yes. The offline transactions will be processed at that time.

Store & Forward Operations cont:

Option 3: Display Trans – This option allows you to display the “stored” transactions sorted by various pieces of information such as; Invoice #, Server/Clerk #, Transaction #, Card Type, etc.

Option 4: Reports – There are three reports you can print related to Store & Forward. They are Print Status, Print Offlines, and Print Failed. The Status Report will print the Mode, and whether Store & Forward is turned on or off.

The Print Offlines report will print a short list of Stored Transactions. The Print Failed Report will print a list of all the transactions that were declined by the processor.

Option 5: Upload Transactions – This option will upload any stored transactions, regardless of what mode the Terminal us in. If the terminal has no network connection, then the upload will fail. It is suggested that if you are operating in the Offline on Demand mode, that you utilize this option when connection to the Processor is restored.

Option 6: Resend Failed – This option will only send the transactions that have failed (been declined) from a previous upload.

Option 7: Delete Failed – This option will remove all failed transactions from the Terminals Memory.

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