Terminal Capture and Host Capture
Terminal Capture: All transactions are stored in the terminal and must be sent to the Host for completion.
- The merchant is responsible for closing the batch at the end of the night or making sure auto-batch is properly set up in the file build
- This can temporarily be set up from the terminal level but a file build updated will be needed to make the adjustments permanent.
- Android Terminals: Func > Settings > Host Settings > Auto-Batch mode
- Traditional Terminals: Menu > Host Settings > Auto-Batch > Auto-Batch Close
Host Capture: All transactions are sent to the Host for processing. The Host controls and closes the batch at set times. No batching is necessary at the local level unless you have made offline transactions.
- The Host (Processor) is the one responsible to close the batch from their end
- The terminals are typically set up with "Auto Clear Database" instead of Auto-Batch Close
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