Quick Fixes
Connect Simple Register to a Payment Application
The Simple Register App does everything for you in the background. If you already have Simple Register on your terminal all you need to do is download your Payment Application from PAXSTORE to the terminal. If you are using an A920 both apps will be ...
Script Cert.Pem Check Error
This error appears on a Q20 when setting up an E-Series terminal. To resolve this error be sure the Q has loaded the basic application. Follow the instructions below to update the basic application to the Q20. Once the correct version of PDM has been ...
Partial Authorization/Approval
Partial Authorization Mandate A Partial Authorization occurs when an authorization is attempted for the full amount of the transaction and there are not enough funds available to cover the full amount, so an authorization for the amount available in ...
PAXSTORE Mobile Friendly
PAXSTORE is capable of supporting your needs through a Mobile Device such as a Mobile Phone or Tablet. There 3 areas to the PAXSTORE Web Portal, Developer Center, and the Admin Center. Mobile View: Will allow limited access to PAXSTORE. You are able ...
PAXSTORE applications for Multi-Merchant and Gift Cards
For Traditional Terminals: Locate Multi-Merchant and Gift Card Applications Click BroadPOS Marketplace Click App List or Subscription list on the left side of the screen Search Multi-Merchant or the name of the Gift Card processor Click the app to ...
Invalid Transaction Type
This means the merchant is attempting to run a transaction that is not allowed by the Host (Processor). If you believe this to be an error check the parameters on your file to ensure it is set up correctly and contact the Host to validate everything ...
Quick Chip
The terminal will display “Insert any time.” This feature allows the customer to insert their card before the terminal displays the total transaction amount. This feature is enabled by default. If you do not want to use this feature you can disable ...
Surcharge Fees
MOTO stands for Mail Order/Telephone Order and is a credit card processing method for businesses that primarily accept card-not-present transactions. MOTO payments are transactions where a customer provides their payment information to a business ...
A80 Dial Settings
To enable dial on an A80: Tap the Application FUNC Settings Communication Main comm Enable Dial The new Android 10 A80 does not support dial up. Part Number:A80-0BA-RD6-00AA
PAXSTORE Traditional Terminal TID Download
If you are trying to download a file for your traditional terminal and it is asking for a TID this means you need to enter the TID # listed for this merchant's terminal in PAXSTORE in order to download the file that is waiting. Whoever builds the ...
Paper Roll / Printer Paper Sizes
This link includes the terminals and the specifications for each paper size needed: Printer Specifications
A80 Sound and Notifications
This setting can only be accessed from the android settings and NOT within the app. You will not be able to adjust the volume while the terminal is in Do Not Disturb (DND). Go to the Android Settings "Sound & Notification" (the media volume and the ...
Remote Key Injection (RKI)
If you would like to know more about Remote Key Injection (RKI) please contact sales@pax.us or caller 1-877-859-0099 Option 6 for Sales. If a customer calls asking for the password for the PAX Inject Application, it is 729465328. Steps on how to ...
Injection Keys/Encryption
Injection Keys/Encryption If you are experiencing issues with your terminal’s encryption: Resellers/ISO/ISV: If you do not have the ability to provide terminals with Key Injections you must reach out to the Distributor. · The PIN Debit key is always ...
Signature Limits/ Fast Payment Services
Fast Payment Services: Allows you to set transaction limitations on the Swipe transactions. You can only set signature limits for swipe. - Fast pay is found under the Industry tab in the file build - PAX does not recommend using "Fast Payment ...
Update the Time Zone
Android Devices: 1. Go to the Android Settings (Gear Icon) 2. Go down to the section titled "System" 3. Select Date and Time. - Turn off the switch for "Automatic date & time" so it won't automatically change. 4. Select "Set Date" and choose the ...
Failure VM
This is a host response from TSYS meaning they is not accepting the information being sent to them from the terminal. If the customer is on an application more than 1-year-old, update the application version. If updating the application does not ...
Add Server/Add Clerk- Android
Add Server/Add Clerk- Android In the File Industry Tab Industry Features Subsection Clerk Server ID Prompt - Enabled In the Terminal Tap Func Settings Merchant Settings Enable Clerk / Server Prompted ID - Yes Back out to Transaction Amount 0.00 ...
Local Duplicate Check and Local Duplicate Check for ECR Reference Number
Local Duplicate Check If enabled, it prompts the user that the transaction currently being processed is a duplicate of the most recent transaction that was made on the device (same card, same amount). If disabled, it will allow all transactions to be ...
E-Series Set-Up
The E Series terminals follow the instructions below for the firmware update and the app download. First UPDATE the firmware to the latest version for the E500, E600,E800. IMPORTANT Please remember the E700 only operates on Firmware version 3.01.02 ...
PIN Xlate Error
This Error occurs when there is an issue with the encryption on the terminal. The ISO (reseller) should contact their distributor for encryption. Some PASTORE accounts have RKI (Remote Key Injection) enabled thus they can push the encryption key to ...
Signature Settings
Signature Settings EMV Signature: Can either be on or off. You can not set signature limits for EMV/Chip Transactions. If this feature is enabled there are no guarantees you will receive a Signature Line on the receipt. Chip transactions are the most ...
Warning App Exception
This error is common when the Firmware is not up to date. A random message displaying "Warning! App Exception" will display on the screen of the PAX S80. Below are the steps on how to update the firmware. Always make sure there are no batches in the ...
IMEI Number
Terminals that allow wireless connections have an IMEI Number In PAXSTORE Enter the serial number in the search bar on PAXSTORE and hit "Enter" The "Terminals Details" panel is on the right of the screen Click "View Details" at the bottom of the ...
Invalid License E SERIES
When setting up an E Series terminal and error message comes up saying invalid license you must make sure the Server URL is set up under the right system management. To access the menu press the four corners of the Q20 terminal clockwise (top left, ...
Terminal Transaction Limit
All PAX terminals are defaulted to hold 1500 transactions. Once the transaction limit has been reached you can no longer process transactions. Be sure to Batch all transactions daily If the terminal is being batched successfully and you receive ...
Platform Residency Error
This is a Host error that can affect Batching or processing transactions. The issue can occur for a few be a number of reasons and the caller must contact the Host. Possible issues can be: Bad Transaction in the Batch A Specific Card Brand or feature ...
Unzip Error
This error occurs on Android Terminals Verify the customer does not have any transactions in the terminal then push a firmware update from PAXSTORE. Prior to doing the firmware update, inform the customer once the firmware is updated it can not be ...
DCC Request
DCC Request : Dynamic Currency Conversion This message displays on the terminal because they have the DCC feature enabled on the File. DCC allows customers with international cards to pay using their currency and the processor will do the automatic ...
Elavon Configurations
There are only two Merchant Parameters on the Elavon tab: Terminal ID and Merchant ID. The Terminal ID actually has two values in it. If you hover the cursor over "Terminal ID", in the file you will see a pop up that states "6 digit Bank Number + 16 ...
Vantiv (Worldpay) File Build
Vantiv/WorldPay File Build Vantiv is the application for World Pay. The VAR for a Vantiv app is very detailed. For example, it will tell you if the Internal Contactless module should be turned on or not. As for the Host Parameters, on the Merchant ...
How to Access the Q20 Menu
To access the Q20 Menu: tap the four corners of the screen clockwise starting in the top left corner.
Get Header Trailer Error
Test POSLINK Connection This error exists when connecting an S80 to an S300 or SP30s On the S80 press Menu > Poslink > Get Header Trailer If you get an error this means the terminals are not communicating to each other. Header/Trailer Error or ...
Not Processing Debit or EBT
Not Processing Debit or EBT If Debit or EBT options are not available on the A920 and the parameters are correct check if the terminal is in "NPM". If NPM is on the screen the terminal is in "No Paper Mode." It will not process Debit or EBT ...
Module Check
How to Perform a Module Check Power Cycle the terminal and upon reboot hold the function or menu key until you see self test on the screen, depending on the device you may need to press Menu once you see the PCI screen 1. Hit the arrow down until you ...
PreAuthorization/ Post Authorization
Pre-Authorization/Auth Merchants can process a Pre-Authorization Hold as a transaction. This means it will hold a specific dollar amount in the customers' account for a sale. Pre-Authorizations are NOT final. To complete the sale the merchant must ...
No Such Issuer
No Such Issuer Advise the caller the Host does not recognize the bank or the AID on the chip card. This can also mean the customer put in the incorrect Debit PIN or the terminal is not encrypted for Debit. Recommend for the customer to use a ...
Comm Error/Communication Error
Comm Error This error occurs when trying to connect a Semi-Integrated terminal (SP30s, S300 etc.) to a POS or after processing a transaction. The POS can be the merchant's computer system or a PAX S80. The error will appear on the PAX terminal and it ...
No Program
If you have a PAX terminal that displays ‘NO PROGRAM’ you will need to perform a firmware update. Contact Tech Support at (877) 859-0099
Auto Detect Error - PIN pad
Auto-Detect Errors occur when a PIN Pad such as an SP20v4 or SP30s mono cable connecting to a terminal like an S80/A80. To resolve the issue, make sure that the PIN Pad Type is set to External and the Contactless Module/External Card Reader is on ...
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